Pictures of the new litter and an update on my latest pairing! Hoping for babies to be available early in the new year!
Rattie swap with True North Rattery!
Off to TNR
This little girl was picked up today!
This little one is going to be a breeder at True North Rattery! She is a black eyed marten dumbo rex, with berkshire markings. Combined with TNR's marbles and my Martens (originally from PPP [Pixie's Pocket Pets]) we are hoping to produce some marble martens within the year! Very excited!
Two new pairings have been made!!
Pairings that have been made are between Curly Fry 2 and El Mist as well as Fifty and Kinsy.
Curly Fry 2 and El Mist
Curly Fry 2 - Female BE siamese dumbo velveteen.
El Mist - Male BE marten dumbo.
Expecting: Black eyed siamese and marten dumbos and dumbo velveteens.
El Mist on the left and CurlyFry2 on the right
Fifty and Kinsy
Fifty - female black silvermane dumbo.
Kinsy - male blue agouti dumbo.
Expecting: black, agouti and siamese silvermane dumbos, some dwarf.
Fifty on the left and Kinsy on the right
If you are on my messaging list you will receive an email or Facebook message when babies are born and when they are available for reservation.
If you would like to be on my messaging list please follow my steps to adoption seen here:
Rat Emporium Toronto · Rat Breeder Toronto · Adopt Pet Rats Toronto