Welcoming Yeti Snowden-Levitt to the rattery!

This little boy just joined us at the Rat Emporium. He is the sweetest baby and loves to cuddle and watch tv. He is Duncan's grandson and I am very excited to have him! 


Yeti Snowden-Levitt -  black eyed white dumbo rex rat

Yeti Snowden-Levitt -  black eyed white dumbo rex rat

Rat Emporium Toronto · Rat Breeder Toronto · Adopt Pet Rats Toronto

A new pairing has been made between Turtle and Freya!

Turtle and Freya have been paired and hopefully babies will be born within the next few weeks!
I am expecting dumbo and dumbo rex babies! 

Freya - silver mink dumbo

Freya - silver mink dumbo

Turtle - black dumbo rex

Turtle - black dumbo rex

Rat Emporium Toronto · Rat Breeder Toronto · Adopt Pet Rats Toronto

Hebrides' Babies have been born!

12 little ones were born on December 12/16. Hebrides is doing a fantastic job taking care of her little ones! Progress pictures are to come. 

Baby rats -  2 days old -  dumbos

Baby rats -  2 days old -  dumbos

Rat Emporium Toronto · Rat Breeder Toronto · Adopt Pet Rats Toronto

More pictures of Tavey!

Some pictures from the photoshoot I did today of Tavey, our silvermane dumbo boy.