An outside rat pen!
As many of you know, I love taking my rats outdoors and I highly encourage it! Many ratties absolutely love to be outside!
I have tried to use many different leashes, store bought fences, and other methods to keep my rats from going to far (please note that rats that are skittish or scared are likely to stay very close to you and not run away. Rats that are more confident like to explore) however they slip out of the leashes and the store bought fences aren't the greatest!
I decided to try to make my own pen out of the spare chicken wire that I had, strapping a "roof" on with zip ties. It was an absolute disaster XD Upon seeing this, my father decided to help make me an outside area for my rats as a birthday gift and it is absolutely amazing!
On the left, my model hahaha ! On the right, my father's model.
ITS HUGE!!! <3
It's huge!! :D can't wait to set this up in the backyard!