
Jackie, Ruby and Azi are great actresses so far for Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime

Below are edits from my Facebook page as well as TNR's! 

The Breakfast Television backstage story for Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, a video starring Azi! She is introduced as Jackie from RET playing Toby the rat, but the lil gal is actually Azi from TNR ^.^ The two girls are both sharing the part and are on stage at different times to keep stress levels at a minimum for both of them.
I'm go glad to hear that though at first there was a fear of rats for those at the play, it has now been announced that they're "beautiful" and I would agree ;).

I've also attached some pictures below of Joshua Jenkins at a press event for the show with Azi on his shoulder!

The Breakfast Television backstage story for Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, a video starring Azi! She is...

Posted by Rat Emporium Toronto on Monday, October 16, 2017

Our wonderful little girl, Azi, was on Breakfast Television Toronto this morning with Kevin Frankish and Joshua Jenkins...

Posted by True North Rattery on Wednesday, October 11, 2017

When Melissa from TNR visited Azi at the play she took a picture of our mention!

rat emporium toronto and true north rattery's rats starring in the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime play

I am away between July 10th and July 24th!

Hello all!

I have been lucky enough to be invited to Portugal by a friend between July 10th and July 24th. Unfortunately this means I will not be answering emails or making any updates between these dates.

While I am gone, I am hoping that two litters will be born. My great friend will be coming over and cleaning the rattery while I am away, and giving the ratties lots of cuddles and kisses and treats for me which is amazing! If litters are born while I am gone, those of you on the messaging list will be updated upon my return.

If you have any urgent questions, please direct these towards Melissa of True North Rattery and she will get back to you as soon as possible! 

If you are looking to adopt and would like to be on the messaging list, please follow my Steps To Adoption and I will get back to you as soon as I return.

Thanks!!! Talk soon <3 Sending love to you and your ratties.

Alleria's Litter

All 11 babies are doing well in Alleria's litter! The babes have been moved to a critter nation cage and are eagerly exploring. I think Alleria is happy to have a bit of a break from them by escaping to the hammocks every now and then ;) 

These babies are not yet available for reservation, but babies should become available within the next few weeks! 

For more pictures of the litter, please follow this link.


Two boys available for adoption!



This beautiful boy is now looking for his new home with his brother Gentleboy!







silvermane dumbo rat


These two lovely boys are ready for a new home at any time! 

Unfortunately these two boys had to be returned to the Rat Emporium as their previous owner developed some pretty severe allergies. They are looking for new homes as soon as possible, and are now up for adoption (May 16, 2017). They have been treated with Revolution and treated with Baytril for some grunting that Gentleboy was having. 

If you are interested in adopting these boys please let me know! 

To see current availability please follow this link:
