Types and Varieties of rats

On this page I outline the types of rats that are available at the Rat Emporium Toronto!


Siamese rats

Siamese rats have a light cream coloured body and as they age, darker points develop around their noses, feet and tail!

Siamese can be both BE and RE.

BE = black eyed
RE = red eyed

silvermane dumbo rat

Silvermane rats

Silvermane rats start out one colour completely, then their fur silvers as they age with a darker mask on their face! Silvermane rats also have extremely soft fur!

Silvermane is a fur "modification" so to speak, and can be shown on any colour rat.

marten dumbo rex rat

MArten rats

Marten rats rats with a white muzzle, and lighter "marbling" on their faces. Martens exist in many different colours!

Siamese can be both BE and RE.

BE = black eyed
RE = red eyed