Feeding your rats
Your rats will need two different styles of meals. The first is their staple diet, to be provided in their cage at all times. The second is their enriched diet, coming from your own table. To keep your rats healthy, feed them extra (safe) vegetables, fruits and other foods daily!
Mazuri Rat Food - lab block
Mazuri Rat Food - lab block
Mazuri lab blocks have a fantastic balance of ingredients and are a great staple diet for your rats. These lab blocks can, and should, be kept in the cage at all times so rats can eat when they desire. Mazuri blocks are most often sold in bulk online, but can also be purchased from the Rat Emporium for $20/5lbs.
Oxbow Rat Food - lab block
Oxbow rat food- lab block
Oxbow lab blocks are the store bought equivalent to Mazuri lab blocks. They are a great staple diet for your rats and can, and should, be kept in the cage at all times so rats can eat when they desire. Oxbow blocks can be found in almost every pet store and cost 25.82$/5lbs.
Fruits and vegetables!
Fruits and veggies
Vegetables, fruits and other foods from your table should be fed to your rats daily to keep them healthy! Giving your rat an enriched diet can really improve their health and lifespan. A list of foods that are safe and unsafe for rats can be seen here.
Please DO NOT feed your rats any seed mixes from any pet store, no matter the recommendation. Seed and nut mixes are very fatty and are not good as a consistent diet for rats and are also full of foods that have no nutritional value for rats such as dried corn that can actually damage their digestive system. Nuts and seeds should only be fed as a treat, and be sure to check if they are safe for rats before giving it to them!
Keep water available for your rats at all times!! Always keep your ratties' water bottles full and fresh.