My Breeder Boys
The boys I select for breeding are chosen through a process of analyzing temperament and conformation to make sure that my breeder selections are consistently improving my litters and lines.
On a more casual note, these are my favourite boys and my pick of the litter boys. They all live together and I love them so much! I dare say they are the best rats in the world 😉.
Birth: May 2, 2016
Rattery: RET
Size: standard
Fur: standard
Ear: dumbo
Eye: red
Colour: mink marten
Pattern: self
ID: RET01801
Cloraz is so close to my heart, I dare say he is a heart rat of mine. I love this boy so much, and his story can be seen here in my blog! He is cuddly and friendly, adventurous and loves to be rolled over and tickled. He is fat and adorable and I love him so much. He takes care of all of the ratties in my males cage.
Planned pairings:
Possibly to Karla (black dumbo)
Birth: December 12/16.
Rattery: RET
Size: dwarf
Fur: standard
Ear: dumbo
Eye: black
Colour: black
Pattern: EI
ID: RET02002
Felix is a little lazy but still fat dwarfie boy! He was one of the first dwarves born here at RET and he is so sweet. He is kissy and adorable and confident. He is the perfect rat to take for a shoulder ride anywhere, he loves being outside and riding around sniffing the air.
Planned pairings:
In Nov to Xavi (silvermane agouti dumbo dwarf)
Waffle is a super sweet dwarf boy like his brother Felix. He is always kissing and grooming my hands and just being the sweetest little caretaker rat ever.
Planned pairings:
None at this time.
Birth: December 12/16.
Rattery: RET
Size: dwarf
Fur: standard
Ear: dumbo
Eye: red
Colour: siamese
Pattern: unmarked
ID: RET02001

Birth: May 1/17.
Rattery: RET
Size: standard
Fur: standard
Ear: dumbo
Eye: black
Colour: black siamese
Pattern: variegated
ID: RET02508
Casper is widely loved by all of my friends for being so confident and social. He is always the first to the front of the cage when I come into the rat room, and he is a fantastic snuggle buddy. He is definitely mischievous and quite the joker <3
Planned pairings:
None at this time.

Birth: Jan 28/17
Rattery: RET
Size: standard
Fur: standard
Ear: dumbo
Eye: black
Colour: agouti silvermane
Pattern: unmarked
ID: RET02303
Trace is a more withdrawn rat, preferring to keep to himself in an outside of the cage. He is still sweet and cuddly, but likes to patiently groom himself alone on my lap or in his hammock. He is a quiet, low key low maintenance boy and is sooooo soft because of his silvermane fur.
Planned pairings:
With Karla - mid Nov/17
Birth: July 16/17.
Rattery: RET
Size: standard
Fur: standard
Ear: dumbo
Eye: black
Colour: black marten
Pattern: unmarked
ID: RET02604
Pogo is a cautious baby so far. He observes his older adoptive brothers and likes to stay by my side just watching them! He is a lovely pocket companion and I can't wait to see him grow <3
Birth: July 25/17.
Rattery: RET
Size: standard
Fur: standard
Ear: standard
Eye: black
Colour: cinnamon
Pattern: berkshire
ID: RET02704
Crisp is a kissy lovable boy. He explores my bed, chooses a place to sit, then expects to be pet like crazy and kisses you right back in return! He is an absolutely gigantic boy, and such a gentle giant at that <3
Planned pairings:
None yet.
Birth: July 25/17.
Rattery: TNR
Size: standard
Fur: standard
Ear: standard
Eye: black
Colour: black marble
Pattern: berkshire
ID: RR0004
When True North Rattery messaged me and said they had a little dumbo boy that was just always rolling onto his back to play, I had to reserve him immediately. This little guy is the most energetic, playful and sweet boy to ever exist, and true to TNR's word, he is always rolling over onto his back for belly rubs and tickles!!
Retired Boys
Birth: May 2, 2016
Rattery: RET
Size: standard
Fur: standard
Ear: dumbo
Eye: black
Colour: agouti marten
Pattern: self
ID: RET01507
Daniel is an outgoing stubborn boy. He is a large bub with a love of treats and adventure. He is always bouncing around and rubbing against you for pets, and because you are is territory of course XD He is hilarious and super loving towards humans, however recently (Oct. 2017) he has been a bit too territorial towards males after his last pairing to Kitten. I will be considering neutering him and adopting him out in the future!
Update: He gets along with his sons!! He is now looking for a new home with two of them <3 (Nov. 2/17)